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Shift Into Life Brochure (1080 × 1350px) (2037 × 754px) (1400 × 754px) (1536 × 738px) (4).

Learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.


You don't need excessive material possessions to find what you're looking for.

For only $49, unlock 11 Secrets for Inner Peace, delivered straight to your inbox, designed to help you finally live a truly fulfilled existence.

Feel like all your success and achievement has failed to bring you true happiness?

You have put in the work; you have succeeded in your career and deep down you still feel like something is missing.


It's not the external challenges, but the attachments and noise within your mind. Now is the time to uncover what truly lies beneath your thoughts, emotions, desires, and expectations, and experience the freedom that comes from clarity and inner mastery.

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My name is Cam Van Den Engel, founder of Born to Be and Mind Mastery. Over the course of my career, I have worked extensively with hundreds of high achievers, individuals much like yourself. Through this experience, I have observed a critical truth: the acquisition of excessive material wealth does not necessarily equate to lasting contentment. True fulfillment lies in mastering the mind, a concept that, while immensely powerful, can seem daunting at the outset.

To address this, I have developed the 11 Secrets for Inner Peace, a structured approach designed to help you access and embody a daily 10-minute practice. This practice enables one to explore elevated dimensions of human experience, including heightened insight, intuition, creativity, and optimal performance, while also cultivating states of relaxation, wonder, bliss, and a profound connection with the divine.

What is remarkable about this method is its accessibility. The principles you will learn are applicable in a wide array of contexts—whether in the midst of a high-pressure business meeting, during a challenging conversation at home, on the 18th hole on a long day at the golf course, or even when contending with the stress of traffic.

I have long advocated for the importance of confronting uncomfortable truths. In this journey, I will provide you with the tools and techniques necessary to integrate these 11 Secrets for Inner Peace, enabling you to access higher states of awareness so you emerge from this process more resilient, insightful, and self-aware.

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  • You are ready to pursue a deeper sense of fulfillment - recognising that while your career and external achievements have brought success, they have not provided the contentment you seek. 

  • You wish to cultivate greater openness to life - you are aware that your current mindset may be limiting your ability to engage with diverse perspectives, making it challenging to relate to others.

  • You seek lasting change, not temporary solutions - having grown weary of short-term efforts, you desire a sustainable lifestyle rooted in inner peace.

  • You aspire to foster healthier relationships - you have observed that an overactive mind and inner restlessness not only affect your well-being but also have an impact on those around you.

  • You wish to express yourself more authentically - finding it difficult to engage in vulnerable, meaningful conversations without feeling triggered, you seek greater freedom in self-expression.

  • You aim to elevate your energy levels—you recognise that your present thought patterns are not conducive to experiencing higher states of love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy.

Extended hours of reflection and therapy are not necessary—just 10 minutes a day can be sufficient.

Each insight has been carefully designed to address specific challenges in your life, enabling you to identify and overcome the obstacles that have been hindering your sense of happiness. Through this structured approach, a clear path forward emerges. Remarkably, by dedicating just 10 minutes each day, you will experience profound depth and personal breakthroughs that often take individuals years to achieve through traditional therapeutic methods.

What our students are saying:

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"This was the best gift I could possibly give myself. Working on yourself is not always easy, and you don’t always know where to start, but Cam has this inspiring energy around him that makes you want to shift your life and become the best version of yourself. A life where you have full control over your feelings, where you can walk away from energy that no longer serves you, and where you can block out the noise to get to your inner peace. Thank you, Cam. I’m forever grateful that you’ve motivated and inspired me to pursue my happiness. I’ve not felt this good in a long time!"

Anne Brandwagt


What happens after you purchase:

  1. Immediately receive the 11 Secrets for Inner Peace: Delivered directly to your email. This comprehensive workbook and its practices will provide you with the tools to begin cultivating your Inner Sanctuary right away.

  2. Each practice requires only 10 minutes a day: These concise and straightforward exercises are specifically designed to yield quick results, making them easy to incorporate into your busy schedule.

  3. Transform Your Life: Your current thought patterns may not align with the higher frequencies of love, harmony, kindness, peace, and joy. Through these practices, your new mindset will open the way to these elevated states of being.

Purchase Here



How long will it take to see results?


Participants typically begin to notice positive changes within the first few weeks of engaging with the practices. However, results may vary depending on individual commitment and the consistent application of the techniques presented.


What specific techniques or tools will be taught?


The program offers a comprehensive set of specialised tools and techniques aimed at cultivating inner peace. These include mindfulness practices, emotional regulation strategies, stress management techniques, visualisation exercises, and more.


Are the practices suitable for beginners or those with more experience in personal development?


The practices are designed to accommodate individuals at varying levels of experience. Whether you are new to personal development or have prior experience, the practices provide valuable insights and methods for achieving inner peace.


Will there be ongoing support after unlocking the 11 Secrets of Inner Peace?


Yes, ongoing support is available. Participants can access one-on-one coaching, online programs, and retreats to further their personal development and self-improvement journey.


Are there any prerequisites or specific requirements to engage in these practices?


There are no specific prerequisites for beginning these practices. They are accessible to anyone interested in enhancing their well-being and pursuing personal development.


Can the techniques learned be applied to various aspects of life?


Yes, the techniques taught are highly versatile and can be applied to multiple areas of life, including personal relationships, professional environments, health, and overall well-being.


What credentials or experience do the facilitators have?


Cam Van Den Engel is a highly experienced professional in life and success coaching, breathwork facilitation, cold exposure therapy, and neuro-transformation therapy. He has helped hundreds of high value individuals worldwide achieve personal growth and transformation.


Are there any potential side effects or risks associated with the techniques taught?


The techniques presented are generally considered safe and non-invasive. However, participants are advised to consult with a healthcare professional if they have any concerns regarding potential side effects or risks.


What is the time commitment required?


While time commitments may vary, participants are encouraged to consistently dedicate at least 10 minutes per day to the practices in order to achieve optimal results.

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